Google stopped the production of the tablet, the company’s entire focus on pixels laptops

Google will no longer work on making tablet Ric Osterloh, vice president of the company’s devices and services, said that Google’s hardware team will now focus on the tablet. The company’s main focus will be on laptops with chrome operating systems. However, chrome and android team will continue to work for tablets in the market. Not only this, the company that was about to launch a new tablet in the market will not be launched anymore.

First tablet came in 2014

Google launched a tablet named Pixel C in 2014. It was called tech experts better than Apple’s iPad. However, in the race of the tablet gradually the pixels tablet was behind. Apple and Samsung tablets are the most liked people in the market.

Pixel tablet will get updates

Rick told that the pixel tablet present in the market will get updates of software and security by June 2024. That is, people who have pixel tablets do not have to worry about them right now. For the pixel laptop, the company has also included the tablet team in the laptop team. According to Media reports, pixel laptops can be launched by the end of this year.

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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